One-Shot Brownie

Sometimes the urge strikes to eat a brownie, and why should you resist? I love this recipe because I can make it quickly in a pinch when the kids ask for desert and we haven’t got anything in, when I just fancy sitting in front of the TV and indulging, or I’ve got 15 minutes before a D&D session and I don’t have any snacks ready.

Everything is made in one small pan, and eaten from that pan, which makes it quick, easy and most of all fun, without mess, fuss or leftovers. This serves two adults or a few kids, but I’ve also watched my 7 year old polish off the whole thing by themself.


  • small (10cm diameter) saucepan
  • 1 egg
  • 25g (1/8 cup) salted butter
  • 75g (1/3 cup) caster sugar
  • 30g (1oz) dark chocolate
  • 25g (1/4 cup) plain flour
  • 1tbsp cocoa powder


  • Heat oven to 200°C conventional /180°C (350°F) fan/gasmark 4
  • Add butter and sugar to the small saucepan and melt gently over low heat
  • Take the pan off the heat
  • Add the chocolate, stir to combine
  • Add the egg and beat together
  • Stir in the flour and cocoa powder
  • Bake for 15 minutes
  • Allow it too cool a little and eat straight from the pan!!


  • This recipe can be scaled quite easily – just use a bigger pan, and bake for around 10mins +5mins per egg (i.e. for a 2 egg recipe bake for 20mins)
  • Remember the mix will still be warm when you add the egg, so mix quickly to avoid scrambled eggs!
  • Straight out of the oven scoop a hole in the middle of the brownie and replace it with a large scoop of vanilla icecream… you’re welcome






One response to “One-Shot Brownie”

  1. Mo avatar

    Looks delicious!!! Will be giving it a try as soon as I sort out a pan to use 😁

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