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Welcome to 2BlindCats – home of Brewing, Baking and… Bomputing…? But seriously, follow links to find recipes and blogs for both Homebrew beer and wine, as well as cooking and baking, posts about games including League of Legends, Dungeons & Dragons, and Blood on the Clocktower! Good luck, Have fun!
2blindcats has a logo! Thank you so much to jasonburkemedia for designing it for us, creator of stunning photographs, beautiful graphics, and so much more. We love it, and we hope you do too. Keep an eye out for our bottle labels coming soon, and pictures of the cats behind the inspiration.
Speaking of jasonburkemedia, take a look at their Patreon for some imaginitive, high quality, and well thought out content for tabletop games such as D&D.
Subscribe to access bundles, such as the latest wonderous addition filled with over 150 variations of chests so you have the prefect chest for all occasions
The Wicked Cool Kids are an amazing community who curate a safe space for people to get to know one another by playing games and other fun stuff.
Click here to find out more, access the newsletters, podcasts, events and more
Buns don’t stay fresh long and take up significant freezer space, so when kids ask for a spontaneous BBQ we should just say “no, we don’t have time” right? Absolutely not! With this recipe you can be mixing ingredients straight after school and eating fresh buns by dinner!
Everything is made in one small pan, and eaten from that pan, which makes it quick, easy and most of all fun, without mess, fuss or leftovers. This serves two adults or a few kids, but I’ve also watched my 7 year old polish off the whole thing by themself.
Macarons, they’re truly not as difficult as you might think but always a real treat, so give them a go! Fill these with your favourite flavoured jam and make a day ahead for a party pleaser. Or cheat and just fill with nutella and eat them watching your favourite show…
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